Sexual relations are a significant part of a healthy man's life. Sexual arousal in men can be influenced by various factors: the appearance of a woman, erotic touches, memories of past intimacy. The sexual reaction of the stronger sex is a combination of physiological and emotional outbursts, which in the end should cause an orgasm.
In the relationship between a man and a woman, a lot can be understood without waiting for an explanation in words. How often a woman wants to understand and read from the gestures and facial expressions of a man that she arouses his sympathy, interest and desire.
The signs that make it clear that a man is aroused are not as primitive as it might seem. Lust and sexual desire can be read in the eyes, facial expression and movement of a man, even at a distance.
How to understand that a man is excited?
According to the results of psychological research, it was found that when communicating between members of opposite sexes, facial expressions and gestures can be much more important than words. Speech conveys only the information that a person wants to convey, and the movements of the body and face give out true feelings and state.
Gestures and facial expressions when a man is excited in psychology have been studied and brought into a specific physiological algorithm. At the verbal level, a person can control himself, but non-verbal signs are quite difficult to hide. If a man is aroused, he may be embarrassed to show it, but his body and face betray his true feelings:
- Sexual desire can be read in the eyes and facial expressions. When excited, the pupils of men dilate and the gaze becomes intent, concentrating on the object of desire. Raised eyebrows, parted lips, a slight glance over the body, focused attention on the female breast - this is a conditional signal of interest and a completely definite direction of a man's thoughts.
- Avoidance of eye contact and fussiness in movements express embarrassment and the desire to hide their desire. This behavior is due to what a man feels when he is aroused at the wrong time. Thoughts come into conflict with the male nature, provoking restless movements.
- Unconscious attraction of attention - gestures that give out excitement. At the same time, a man tightens his stomach, straightens his back, fastens or unbuttons his collar, straightens cuffs or a tie.
- Rapid breathing and thirst are also frequent companions of sexual arousal. It is difficult not to notice that the rate of breathing has changed; thirst is associated with a rush of blood and an increase in body temperature.

Sex drive is an important part of a person's sex life. When a man is excited, it is better to use several methods, alternating their sequence. This will give amazing results.
It is difficult for women to understand what a man feels when he is excited. The physiology of a man is arranged in such a way that, unlike the fair sex, it is much more difficult for them to hide a strong arousal. And it's not just that the blood rushes to certain parts of the body.
Male arousal is more intense, and the temperament of most men, for natural reasons, is more powerful.
Women need more time to get excited, for the stronger sex this process is much faster and it is very difficult to hide it.